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For those looking to maximise recovery & ensure you are performing at your maximum capacity, then book into The Reform Lab Osteopathy.

Located inside Project Reform, Dr Jackson Redfern is a qualified osteopath with a passion & experience in managing sports/gym related pain & injuries.

Jackson’s main priority is to educate you on your injury and provide you with reassurance that you can continue to train. He will program a rehabilitation program and provide guidance on what exercises or activities you will need to modify in the short term. He educates that complete rest is not advised, and always provides exercise options that resemble your normal activities. The reason he has this philosophy is because he wants you to return to normal activity in the best shape possible. Ultimately, providing rehabilitation options that mitigate the risk of sustaining that injury again.

Jackson communicates the rehab plan with myself, and what exercises we can continue to train without limitation due to injury.

For more information on the range of injuries he treats, check out his website

SPECIAL OFFER OF 10% OFF PER APPOINTMENT IF YOU ARE ONE OF MY ATHLETES – Just mention it at the time of payment to receive discount.

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